May Anniversary's

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Happy Work-A-Versary Brenda, Sherri, Teri, Caleb, Ryan, Alex, Drew, Kendyl, and Jaci!

Milestone Anniversary's

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Brenda Lamm is celebrating 20 years on 5/3! Congratulations, Brenda!

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Caleb Rispalje is celebrating 1 year on 5/8! Congratulations, Caleb!

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Ryan Martz is celebrating 15 years on 5/15! Congratulations, Ryan!

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Kendyl Thrower is celebrating 1 year on 5/30! Congratulations, Kendyl!

Aiden Snider Full-Time Customer Service Specialist


We are excited to announce that Aidan Snider has accepted a full time Customer Service Specialist position! Aidan has been with Solutions Bank for 2 years in a part time role. We are so glad to have Aidan in a larger role and look forward to watching him grow with Solutions Bank!

Please join us in congratulating Aidan on his new full-time role!

Bethany Burdick - Graduate School of Banking

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Bethany Burdick, VP Human Resources, completed Graduate School of Banking's Human Resource Management School. Congratulations, Bethany!

Bryan Gray - Graduate School of Banking

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Bryan Gray, Information Security & Technology Specialist, completed Graduate School of Bank Technology Management School. Congratulations, Bryan!